Category: Living

  • Motivation Monday: Define your Happy Place

    Some sad news on Sunday, September 18 led me to my happy place. Weird right. As in how can the sad face, bring on the happy face? Answer: a big hit of nostalgia. South African Kwaito star Mandoza died last night and after shedding a couple of tears I wound my way down the a…

  • The Mid-Week Anthology ~ August 2016 ~

    I miss doing these curated lists. But frankly, the interwebs cruising has not happened much these days. We’re settling into our new place, developing in our new life rhythms and hanging out with old (visiting) friends and getting to know new island buds. This summer has been fantastically, exhaustingly, excitingly busy. Our neighbour warned us…

  • Travel, Motherhood and A Mad Maids Giveaway

    When I used to travel a LOT for work and play, I had a simple rule of thumb: thy shalt not leave a messy house to returnth home to. My house used to be sort of spotless before I trudged away to Fort St. John for work or cavorted away to Mexico City for culture…

  • Weekend Anthology ~ March 2016

    Well hello there dear online friends. It’s been a bit longer than a blink, hasn’t it? I’m writing this from our new home, after settling into a new job in a place about 1600 kilometres west of our dear Edmonton to the moist, green shores of Haida Gwaii. We live near the ocean on a set…