Tag: Travel Advice

  • Pack your Ps and Qs: Bloggers share their mom’s travel advice

    Every time I’ve travelled everywhere my mom says the same two things: pack your Ps and Qs (pleases and thank-yous) and pack your common sense. Good manners and old fashioned common sense have helped me enjoy trips around the United Kingdom, Central America and Sub-Saharan Africa relatively incident free. Thanks mom! The last spot mumsy…

  • Coachella Fun Guide: 7 steps to stay cool & have fun

      Coachella is: all the crowds, all the music and all the heat. Every April thousands of festival lovers take over the Palm Springs area. One of my favourite ways to kick off a summer of festivals is to jet down to Coachella for 2.5 days of sun, fun, stellar music, crazy art and big,…

  • Long-Haul Flight Essentials: Travel Bloggers Tell All

    Long-Haul Flight Essentials: Travel Bloggers Tell All

    Flying more than five hours usually means getting to an exotic destination, like Mexico City, Maui or Ottawa (in some circles, this place is exotic, right?). Over the years, I’ve learned the basic tenets of surviving long flights: drink lots of water, try to sleep, relax, walk around frequently. But you need some creature comforts…

  • Weekend Anthology ~ January 2016

    Every year around this time I get the itch. The Palm Springs itch. The Coachella itch. The incredibly strong pull south to the desert itch. Every January, the Coachella line up is released, a flurry of tickets sell out and I’m left yearning for days of sun, music, dancing and friends. After the festival, we usually spend…