Tag: Motivation Monday

  • Motivation Monday ~~ Querencia

    When you step off the plane and love the smell of the air. When every bite is delicious whether it’s at a high end restaurant or a makeshift street vendor. When the locals make you feel like you’ve lived there your whole life. This place is far away. It’s not your real home but it…

  • Motivation Monday ~ Travel & Vigor

    I’ve been thinking a lot about why people travel lately. And then I came upon this article thanks to a fellow travel writer. It answers a lot of questions swirling around in my head. Basically, Arthur Woods’ New York Times piece posits that where we go and how we plan trips offers a glimpse into who we are.…

  • Motivation Monday ~ Travel = Exercise for your Soul

    Travel is a lot like exercise. At first it might seem like a hassle or a pain. Like a lot of things that are good for you, travelling requires an investment, some planning, sometimes even new shoes (no complaints here, thanks). 

  • Motivation Monday ~ Remember Salmon

    If you have ever travelled in British Columbia, you’ve likely tried salmon. Salmon candy, smoked salmon, canned salmon, sushi, salmon burgers, crispy salmon skin (mmmm my favourite).  Even salmon oil is sold in capsules. Wild salmon is the focal species of many economies and cultures on the West Coast of Canada and arguably the USA…