Tag: How did you get that f*#king awesome job

  • How did you get that f*#king awesome job Greg and Sarah Greenleese?

    Did you know that there are 169 million bees in Alberta and the province produces 40% of Canada’s honey? The Greenleeses do. Greg and Sarah Greenleese are two of Alberta’s 800 beekeepers and are pretty much some of the sweetest conservationists you’ll meet in Alberta (pun fully intended). When Sarah talks about her bees, her face…

  • How did you get that f*#king awesome job Jamie McCue?

      Jamie McCue is a gardener in a metaphorical and practical sense of the word. Metaphorically speaking, McCue tends to an internet-based community garden called Silent Season Recordings. It’s a deep, moist swath of bandwidth that grows luxuriant electronic fruits and rhythms dripping off plants (aka music producers) from around the globe. McCue’s garden is…

  • How did you get that f*#king awesome Job Jessica Gowling?

    Think of your favourite animal. What does it look like? How does its muscles curve or how does it stand or how thick is it’s coat/plumage? In a world of animal fetishization (think cutesy owl/horse/fox and flamingo tees/makeup bags/phone cases), Gowling’s work is real and depicts reality instead of just cuteness. While it’s great to…

  • How did you get that f*#king awesome job Emily Wight?

    A few months ago my trend-spotting, news hounding little brother Zach rang me to tell about a cookbook he thought I would love.  Soon, I had Well Fed Flat Broke in my hands and I was whipping up rib-sticking, lip-smacking dishes that are family-friendly, delicious and not hard on the bank account.(See my Vitamin Daily review). Emily Wight,…