Tag: Sailing

  • Wolves in The Great Bear Rainforest: A Trip to Remember

    There was a giant whoop up this week in British Columbia. After nearly 20 years of protests, meetings, market campaigns, many, many negotiations First Nations, Environmental groups, logging companies and varying levels of government – a final deal was struck to protect the Great Bear Rainforest. For visual learners, skip the jump below to watch…

  • 5 Reasons To Fall In Love with Remarkable Cape Town

    The first time I visited Cape Town I was an 18 year-old exchange student on a ‘caravan vacation’ with my host family. Table Mountain loomed ominous over our RV park. We stayed in a tiny, gritty little fishing village called Fish Hoek. Each morning, fisherman speaking staccato Cape Afrikaans used their large nets, wiry arms…